5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Lash Business with Social Media

5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Lash Business with Social Media

Social media has made a huge impact on the beauty industry. It has allowed artists an affordable and relatively simple way to connect with clients in a personal way and keep engagement between services, but also introduce their unique aesthetic to the world. This is why social media can be a powerful portfolio tool, especially for an industry that is fueled by digital influencers and how-to tutorials. Regardless of whether you are looking to enter a salon setting or build your own client base—most people rely on social media to choose their service provider; and make sure your style mirrors their own aspirational ideas. So why not take a few moments to consider 5 simple ways to set yourself apart from competitors and get those books filled with happy clients!

Know Your Platform:

Instagram: There are many social media platforms to choose from. From experience, we recommend at least having an Instagram account to ensure easy bookings with call-to-action buttons on your profile, a place to lead guests to your website, and an easy-to-reach portfolio for your clients and potential business partners to browse through. You can use services like LinkTree in your Instagram if you need to link to other websites that your customers might want to know about before booking a service with you.

Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest: These are all great platforms to choose from as they reach different client demographics and offer different approaches to showcasing your work. Save longer text posts or any important updates to your business for Facebook; the platform is designed for longer content and users are more likely to read and share with their friends and family. You can also encourage clients to make reservations on this platform whether they book online or reach out directly to you via private message to make an appointment. If you want to take your business to the next level, encourage your happy customers to leave a review on your Page so that others can see your terrific work and build trust from prospective customers.

Pinterest: Putting visuals first is key with Pinterest, since this mood board-inspired platform is perfect for sharing inspiration with others. On this platform, you can share examples of your finished work as pins and group them in different boards or categories for other users to find them and pin to their own. Showcase different glam looks you have created to encourage bookings from clients that are looking to recreate that same look or show users where you draw your inspiration from. By using pins that show your lash inspiration or looks that you want to recreate, you are opening yourself to a brand-new audience and potential customers. Use your imagination and think of different ways to make this visual platform work for you and your business! 

Showcase Your Work:

When you are using a social media platform as a business, it is important to showcase as much of your work as possible. There are many ways to incorporate a lash set, and no two extensions are alike—so don’t be hesitant to show the full scope of your looks. This helps to increase your engagement, especially when you tag clients and product brands in your posts. Clients, as you know, are very loyal to their lash artist—so often time they will share your work to their own personal accounts or tag you in their most recent selfie. Consider incorporating “client reposts” in your feed or story; not only will it break up your feed with new photos from a fresh angle, but it also shows appreciation for your clients. 

Stories are another great way to showcase your work. Even though it may not be on your Instagram feed, they are an excellent way to increase your engagement and direct more people to your feed. Your post may get buried in their feed, but your story will not. 

Consider trying out social tactics like:

  • Takeovers: where you hand over control of your account to your clients and they talk about their results after you perform a service on them” Insert video example 

  • Polls: These are great for asking questions about different subjects your audience might be interested in. This boosts engagement!

  • Use popular music (even better if they are trending songs!)

  • Share your most recent service or a client’s post after their latest visit

  • Share photos that serve as inspiration for you as a lash artist

Bring it to Life with Video

Video content allows the opportunity to bring your work and personality to life in a whole new way, and typically receives at least twice the amount of engagement compared to photo. We never tire of seeing all the creative ways that video is being used on social media today! 

Right now, Instagram Reels and Tiktoks are huge as more and more beauty artists grow in popularity on these platforms, sharing their tips and tricks, or even just their day to day to give clients an exclusive look at their lives. Now, we know that creating video content can be intimidating to a lot of us, but you don’t have to create the next Hollywood masterpiece to have effective videos. 

Focus on making videos that you would like to see yourself. What are the things that you can find that other creators are not sharing or publishing on their social media channels? Remember that videos do not have to be long to be effective or fun. We would actually recommend starting off with videos that are anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds to start off. Grab your audience’s attention by quickly getting to the point or showing what you will be talking about in the video within the first 3 seconds to prevent them from scrolling away. Using popular songs and sounds on these platforms will help you stay on top of trends and get your content in front of your audiences alongside other creators doing wonderful things on their social media channels.

As human beings, we enjoy seeing other humans! Show your audience who you are by turning the camera towards you and letting your audience know how you can help them by offering your services. A little personality goes a long way on social media and can really set you apart from creators that only show services or “before and after” videos without adding their own personality or flair on their social media accounts. Once you have mastered these videos, you can focus on creating longer form content, but the idea is to get you comfortable enough to get started on publishing high-quality material regularly. For example, what if you created an unboxing video for your Lash Addict kit where you showcase your knowledge on each tool in the kit while also showing your online audiences your personality?

Make It Yours, Make it Your Aesthetic: 

The most important social media rule—have fun with it! You have your own page, craft, even business. That is something to not only be proud of but that you need to show off. You did that! The best part of having your own lash page is that you can make it completely unique to you. Figure out your color schemes, how you want your clients to engage with you (Direct Message, Book Online, Email, Text, etc.), and how you want your feed to flow with your content. There are so many templates and apps out there that you can use to assist you in creating content, design your aesthetic, and assist you in scheduling your amazing content. 

Keep it Consistent:

As with everything, consistency matters! Regardless of how you choose to spice up your feed, make sure to keep it consistent! We recommend posting daily if you can, but try to post at least 2-3 times per week for engagement purposes. When you do this, you show up more frequently in your clients’ feeds.

Social media can be a fun way to personalize your brand and create engagement with your followers, but it can take some work to build a following and generate interest from it. After all, it is a business. YOUR business. Here at Lash Addict, we want to make sure that you and your business are prepared in every way possible to achieve success. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine and regular posting schedule, you will be able to not only spark interest, but inspire growth in your overall personal brand and get even more clients in your chair!

As human beings, we enjoy seeing other humans! Show your audience who you are by turning the camera towards you and letting your audience know how you can help them by offering your services. A little personality goes a long way on social media and can really set you apart from creators that only show services or “before and after” videos without adding their own personality or flair on their social media accounts. Once you have mastered these videos, you can focus on creating longer form content, but the idea is to get you comfortable enough to get started on publishing high-quality material regularly. For example, what if you created an unboxing video for your Lash Addict kit where you showcase your knowledge on each tool in the kit while also showing your online audiences your personality?

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